This Week in Fourth Grade...
Math: This week in math we will be continuing Topic 1: Multiplication and Division- Meanings and Facts. We will explore basic division facts, and take a look at how division can be represented as repeated subtraction. We will relate multiplication and division to see how they are inverse operations, and we can use the multiplication facts we know to help us with division.
Religion: We will finish up Chapter 1 this week in our We Believe program. We have been focusing on Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life and recognizing ways in which He calls us to live. This week we will use that prior knowledge to identify ways the Church spreads the Good News of Jesus Christ today. We will also emphasize how we are disciples of Jesus, called to spread the Good News. Students will have their first Religion test towards the end of this week on Chapter 1.
Reading and Language Arts: During our Daily 5 Reading Rotations, students will explore the essential question: How do your actions affect others? They will read stories closely, explore new vocabulary words, and write about our essential question.
We will begin Writer's Workshop this week! Our first workshop project will be personal narratives! Students will be introduced to the features of a personal narrative, and begin the brainstorming and prewriting stages of their narratives this week.
In our Class Novel time, students are continuing to explore our "Notice and Note Signposts". These signposts will be helpful tools we refer to throughout the year while reading.
Science: Continuing on in our Unit titled "Processes that Shape the Earth's Surface", we will focus on Slow Changes to the Earth's Surface this week. Students will move through our Science Weekly 5 stations to read information, gather data, draw diagrams, and complete hands on activities related to our topic.
Social Studies: We are gearing up to begin traveling through the Regions of the United States! First stop on our tour: the Northeast Region! We will explore major landforms and landmarks, as well as some of the economy in the Northeast Region.
- Be on the lookout for information about the students' reading log homework coming home on Monday. Students will be asked to complete their first Reading Log for homework this week.
- Pretesting for our new spelling program, Words Their Way, will begin this week. Students scores will be evaluated, and I will begin developing spelling groups.
- GENIUS HOUR! begins this Thursday, September 21st! Be on the lookout for a catalog of classes being offered during this trimester for your child. Do you have any interest in hosting a genius hour class? We would love for you to share your gifts and talents! Contact Mrs. Ball for more information!
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