Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week of 1/22

This Week in Fourth Grade...

Math: This week we move into Topic 7. We are continuing to build a strong multiplication foundation. Using what we learned from Topic 6, Topic 7 will focus on multiplying by 2 digit numbers. We will start with using arrays to help us build our understanding, and move onto multiplying by multiples of 10 this week. 

Religion: This week in Religion we move into Chapter 9: The First Commandment. In Chapter 8, students learned about God's covenant with the Israelites and the Ten Commandments. Chapter 9 will focus on the First Commandment, which teaches us that there is just one true God. 

Reading and Language Arts: We continue to explore our essential question from last week: How can one person make a difference? We will read biographies of inspirational people who helped to make a change in the world, whether that be big or small. 

In Writer's Workshop we are moving into the revising and editing stages of our persuasive essay rough drafts! 

In Class Novel, we continue to read Because of Winn Dixie- the students are really enjoying this one! Be sure to ask your child questions about our novel! 

Science: We begin our last topic in our Energy unit this week, Properties of Matter! Students will explore the different forms matter can take on such as solid, liquid, and gas. 

Social Studies: Our travels through the Midwest Region continue! 

  • Last Friday, students had the choice of participating in our Classroom Spelling Bee. I was SO proud of all the students who joined in, and tried their best! 4th grade is the first year that students have the opportunity to participate in the Spelling Bee, and it can be an intimidating experience for many. I was touched by the students encouragement and support of one another throughout our class bee. A big congratulations to our top 4 finalists who will be moving on to the School Spelling Bee this week: Porter Taylor, Josh Piazza, Anaiya Bennett, and Eugene Agbor-Enoh! Way to go everyone! 
  • The School Spelling Bee is open to parents as well, and will take place Wednesday 1/24 at 1:30 PM in the school hall. 
  • In more exciting news, our field trip to the Baltimore Aquarium has been rescheduled for Monday, February 5th. Be on the lookout for a new permission slip coming home this week! An email will be sent out to gather a couple more chaperones due to conflicting schedules of some of our previously chosen chaperones. 
Have a blessed week! :)
Mrs. Drury

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